• Reference checks serve as an important selection technique, if conducted properly. The applicant is asked to mention the names and addresses of his former employers and also of two or three persons known but not related to him. If references are checked in the correct manner, a great deal can be learned about a person that an interview or tests cannot elicit. Referees may be called upon to give detailed information’s about candidate's capabilities.

A candidate may be asked to provide references from those who are willing to supply or confirm about the applicant’s past life, character and experience.

  • Reference check helps -
  • - to know the personal character and family background of the candidate.
  • - to guard against possible false information supplied by candidate.


Since past performance is often the best predictor of future performance, the best way to verify an applicant’s background and job suitability is to conduct a thorough reference check.

selection process by mrs.k.vijayalakshmi